Kate DeCanto
Social and Hospitality Coordinator
Kate has been a member of the Embers community since 2018. She has 5 daughters, all current or future Embers students, and has been an essential volunteer for many years, spearheading Little Sparks, parent and teacher events, and numerous fundraising opportunities. The connection between Embers and its working parents has been an important component for Kate, who began working for Embers in 2024. She enjoys the family-friendly atmosphere, which helps her feel connected to her children as they grow in virtue. A strong supporter of the school’s mission, Kate sees Embers as a light in the world and feels blessed to be a part of the community. She is passionate about helping Embers grow, while also serving the existing families.
In addition to spending time with her husband and daughters, Kate enjoys connecting with friends, exploring the outdoors, and traveling. She is an avid volunteer for both Embers and her daughter’s extracurricular activities. Kate and her family are members of St. Juliana Parish in Edison Park and St. Mary of the Angels in Bucktown.