
Time to celebrate the end of the school year! Please see below for the schedule for the last week of school.

  • Monday, May 31:
    Memorial Day – No School
  • Tuesday, June 1: Spelling, Geography, and Catechism Bees – Grades 2-5. All Bees will take place in the classrooms. 
  • Wednesday, June 2:
    Outdoor Music Picnic and Band & Choir Concert
    Students should bring a towel to sit on, water bottle, and a sack lunch.  If the day looks like it will be sunny, parents please apply sunscreen that morning or send your student with a hat. 

    Closing All-School Mass
    Fr. Leo will bestow a blessing on our 5th grade students, and will enroll our 2nd and 3rd Grade First Communicants in their scapulars.

  • Thursday, June 3: 

    All-School Family Pilgrimage to Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine in Des Plaines at 8:30 a.m. Our school day will begin at Our Lady of Guadalupe Shrine in Des Plaines with this all-family pilgrimage at 8:30 am. We want to gather as a school community and give special thanks to Our Lady for seeing us through this tumultuous school year!! Each class that has 100% participation will receive a special celebration!  

  • IMPORTANT NOTE:  The school building will be CLOSED until 10 a.m. so that all staff can attend the pilgrimage.  If you choose not to participate, please bring your child to school at 10 a.m. that morning.  

    See flyer for more information.

  • Fifth Grade Farewell and Celebration
    Fifth Grade parents are invited to attend our Fifth Grade Farewell from 10:30 a.m. to noon in the Fifth Grade Classroom.

  • Friday, June 4:
    Field Day
    Out of Uniform day, students can wear Embers Spirit Shirts
    DJ fun with music and games for all students
    Fifth Grade and Faculty Team Activities
    Hot Dog Lunch will be provided.
    Dismissal at 11:30 a.m. There will be NO Aftercare.

First Holy Communion

Congratulations to the 2nd Graders on receiving their First Holy Communion this past Saturday!

Fifth Grade Wax Museum

The Fifth Grade students displayed their knowledge of history by dressing up as a famous figure and delivering a short speech about their historical person at the outdoor Wax Museum on Thursday.

Green Thumbs Club

Calling all gardeners! Our Marian garden area is in need of some green thumbs to help beautify her surroundings!  Please call the school office if you, your family, or a group would like to assist in this simple act of service. Thank you!

Preschool Celebration

Preschool students and families celebrated the end of the year on Wednesday with an outdoor celebration that included popsicles, playing on the playground, and singing songs for their families.

Used Uniform Sale

Send in clean, used uniforms to the office for our Uniform Sale. We will be holding a Used Uniform Sale in mid- summer.

Secret Garden Project

The Fifth Grade and Kindergarten classes are both studying The Secret Garden.  They worked together to create this beautiful mural!

Year of St. Joseph

Click here to read about Five Spiritual Benefits From the Year of St. Joseph.

The following are brief explanations of the titles of St. Joseph recited in the Litany to St. Joseph.

Patron of the Dying –  It is believed that St. Joseph died a holy and happy death, gazing upon Jesus and resting in the arms of Mary. St. Joseph’s death is a touching and desirable example for us. God has designated St. Joseph as the Patron of the Dying because he wants us to experience a death similar to that of St. Joseph — holy and happy. 

Terror of Evil Spirits – St. Joseph was entrusted by God with the mission of caring for and protecting the Holy Family and was endowed with special graces to strike fear in the forces of darkness. From Heaven, this humble, quiet man of strength will lead us to the peace found in Jesus.

Medical Forms: Medical, Dental, Vision    Illinois Food Allergy Form

New Student Application       Dennis Uniform Spirit Wear        After Care Form

Virtue Vistas    School Supply Lists       Marla’s Lunch      2020-2021 Calendar

serving students in PK3 through 5th  grade

8340 N. Greenwood Avenue,  Niles, IL 60714
www.embersacademy.org    847.518.1185   info@embersacademy.org

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