Denise Wasserman
Art Teacher
Having attended Catholic schools almost all her life, Denise knew that she only wanted to teach in a Catholic environment! Denise received a Bachelor of Arts in Elementary Education from the University of Nebraska, and taught for 10 years as a classroom teacher for 2nd-4th Grades. After taking a break to homeschool her own children, she joined Embers in 2017, excited to be part of a faithful Catholic community and ready to share the gift of faith with her students. Denise’s art class encompasses more than just learning the elements of art and combining them to create fantastic projects. Students delight in discovering their own artistic abilities, and they grow in confidence with the development of creative skills. A part of the brain, not activated in other classes, is utilized and serves to help educate the whole person, and enhances learning in more academic areas. The children learn to see beauty in their artwork, in other people, and in the world around them. As Denise often tells her students, God is the BEST artist!
Denise enjoys spending time outdoors, whether biking, skiing, or hiking in the mountains with her family. An enthusiastic reader, her book stack is always full of historical fiction, spiritual books, travel guides, and cookbooks waiting to be enjoyed. Denise is a member of St. Stanislaus Kostka Parish in Chicago