Winter Parent-Teacher Conferences
Conferences will be held on Friday, January 17 from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Conferences are 15 minutes each and Grades 3-5 will have combined meetings with both teachers. These conferences are intended for parents only. The online scheduler (PickATime) will be available in next week’s Spark News.

Please note that there will be no school that Friday to accommodate conferences. There will also be no school on Monday, January 20 for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.

Winter Sports Photos
On Tuesday, January 14, VIP Photography will be on campus to take both individual and team photos for basketball. All basketball athletes are asked to wear their team jersey to school that day for photos with school-appropriate bottoms. All coaches are welcome to join us for their team’s photo!

Sports parents: please be on the lookout for additional information on how to view/order your photos. We look forward to celebrating the accomplishments of all our athletes this season!

All-School Lice Check this Tuesday
We have scheduled Nits N Nats hair check service this Tuesday, January 7th to perform an all-school lice check. The technicians have requested that students be sent to school with dry hair and no hair products. If lice are present, you will be notified by the school office.

There is no afternoon EDP this Friday, January 10.

Little Sparks Music & Movement
Winter Session, Thursdays January 23-February 27
Registration is now open for the Winter session of Little Sparks Music and Movement. We welcome all children ages infant – 5 years old to join us for this interactive class full of songs, rhythm games, and musical instrument exploration. Friends outside of Embers are welcome to join, too! More information can be found HERE.

Register Now

Registration is Open!
This Winter, we will be having two sessions of Art Club: Art Fundamentals. Kindergarten-2nd Grade will have class on Wednesdays and 3rd-5th Grade will meet on Mondays. More information about the classes can be found HERE.

Upcoming Registration Deadlines
Please note this week’s extracurricular deadlines:
  • Monday, January 6: Chess Scholars
    Class will be held on Tuesdays from January 14-March 11. To sign up, please visit www.learningmeansfun.com/signup and enter course code EMB1.14.25.
  • Wednesday, January 8: Fire Choir / Music Man
    Students interested in performing in the Spring musical must enroll in Fire Choir by clicking HERE. Current Fire Choir students do not need to re-register.

Winter Bags
Winter Weather Bags (formerly “Blue Bags“) have been sent home for each student. We ask that you fill these bags with gear for snowy days: a pair of snow pants, mittens, boots, etc. These items will stay at school and students will be using them during outdoor play. After each use, the bag of clothes will be sent home to be “dried out”. We ask that all students bring their bags back to school with them on Tuesday, January 7.

The winning design for Embers’ Christmas card was created by 3rd Grader, John Fernandez. Congratulations, John!

PreK4 creates a sticky – but fun! – gingerbread wonderland the week before Christmas break.

Mr. Buggy’s Kindergarten science class creates snow inside the classroom on a cool December morning.

2nd Grade shows off their Christmas cheer on Accessory Day.

5th Grade visit the office to wish everyone a “Merry Christmas!”

4th Grade celebrates Christmas with  a snowball fight inside!

Kindergarten wishes Jesus a Happy Birthday!

1st Grade races to “decorate the Christmas tree”…

…resulting in a lot of fun and laughter!

PreK reenacts the birth of baby Jesus…

…and sings their joyous songs to the delight of our parents!

The Week Ahead:
January 6

– Chess Scholars Registration Due

January 7

– Classes Resume; Quarter III Begins

January 8

– Fire Choir New Sign-ups End

January 10

– Spirit Day & Virtue Assembly
– No Afternoon EDP


Upcoming Events:


January 14

– Winter Sports Photos

January 16

– All-School Out of Uniform Day

January 17

– No School: Parent – Teacher Conferences

January 20

– No School: Martin Luther King Jr. Day

January 23

– Little Sparks Music Winter Session Begins

 Click to view the ’24-’25 School Calendar

Who to Contact

Christopher Goffos:

Sylvia Casaletto: Office Manager
Student absences, late arrivals, and early dismissals. General questions about the school day.

Christina Williams: Dir. of Operations and Business
Tuition and billing questions.

Karen Reardon: Registrar 
Information and questions about myEmbers, student records, and school registration.

Kate DeCanto: Social and Hospitality Coordinator
volunteer opportunities available HERE.

serving students in PreK3 through 5th Grade

8340 N. Greenwood Avenue, Niles, IL 60714
www.embersacademy.org  |  847.518.1185  |  info@embersacademy.org

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