Dear Parents,
Why do we have uniforms?
Preparing students for a life of freedom and responsibility in becoming who God wants them to be requires intentional formation. The school uniform is an underrated tool in that formative process.
If students were allowed to wear whatever they please prematurely, as if they were adults, fashion could become a kind of tyranny for the child. If they seek things like popularity and individual expression in an unordered manner, before they’ve been taught to love what is true, good, and beautiful, appearance may become all-encompassing in the child’s mind, a distraction from what is more important.
By teaching students to diligently take care of the little things in life, including the way they dress, we slowly build good habits that lead to virtue; in the case of uniforms, dressing respectfully, responsibly, and with an eye toward the noble pursuit of education and true happiness.
Embers requires students to wear uniforms in order to:
- Diminish distractions in the classroom and promote an orderly environment suitable for learning.
- Help them take school more seriously by encouraging respect for their peers, their teachers, and the common enterprise of education.
- Develop school identity, unity, and pride.
- Remind students that their individual worth as children made in the image of God is shown through their character, not their material means.
The recent closure of DENNIS Uniform, our old vendor, provided an opportunity for us to step back and evaluate our current uniform. Is it accomplishing these goals? Is it practical? Is it beautiful?
Your feedback through your parent ambassadors, individual conversations, and an ambassador focus group meeting confirmed that Embers families like the current uniform as it is. It’s practical, and it’s beautiful. Yes, there are some difficulties with it. For instance, the challenge of keeping the white polos clean. We’re hoping that the new vendor’s fabric, which is a bit more premium, but at a similar price point, will help with laundering. But the feedback we received was overwhelmingly positive about that crisp red-on-white look, the boys’ blue pants, and the classy tartan pattern for our girls.
On this particular point about the differences between boy and girl clothing, Jenny Potempa, one of our Second Grade teachers, put it like this:
“Especially now, as gender is confused in public schools, society, and in fashion, it is important to instill in our children that, indeed, there is a difference between boys and girls. Both are good, both complement the other, both are designed by God for greatness and for making a positive change in the world. Highlighting a visual difference in daily dress helps them understand this without being explicitly taught it.”
We’ve made a few minor tweaks to the uniform policy, which are highlighted in yellow on the full policy document, available HERE. But we heard you loud and clear; nothing major will change.
I’m pleased to announce that our new Lands’ End uniform store is now live! We chose Lands’ End for their quality, prices (they have frequent sales!), reliability, and professionalism.
And since nothing major is changing, all DENNIS Uniform pieces from our previous uniform are easily grandfathered into our updated policy. You are welcome to continue sending your Sparks in their Embers DENNIS uniforms until they wear out.
Thank you for your feedback, and as always, thank you for partnering with us in the education of our Sparks.
Christopher Goffos
2025-26 Re-Enrollment Information
The Re-Enrollment Period opens February 1.
This past Wednesday, Mr. Goffos shared information for our 2025-26 re-enrollment. If you have not yet had a chance to read his letter, please click HERE.
Get ready for a spirited week at Embers, starting February 3rd!
Monday: Silly Sock Day
Students may wear silly socks with their regular uniforms.
Tuesday: Patriotic Day
Students may come to school dressed in red, white, and blue clothing to celebrate America.
Wednesday: Crazy Hair & Hat Day
Our Sparks are challenged to come up with creative hair and hat styles to wear with their regular uniform.
Thursday: Super Bowl Day
Students may come out of uniform in their favorite sport shirt or jersey.
Friday: School Spirit Day
Show your school pride by wearing your red spirit shirt or favorite Embers spirit wear!
Registration Ends Tuesday!
In this class, students will learn about elements and principles of art while working on exercises and projects meant to activate their brain’s right side.They will explore shape, color, line, and texture, working with different dry and wet mediums, including pencil, graphite, oil pastels, paints, and more!
More information about the classes can be found HERE. Programs start the week of January 27. Deadline to register is January 21st.
Next Saturday: Midwest Motherhood Conference
January 25 | 9:00-1:oo p.m. | Willows Academy
Don’t miss your chance to hear from Janet Quinlan and this insightful lineup of panelists! For more information, see the flier HERE or click HERE to register.

Our basketball athletes race through the halls to the thunderous applause – and high-fives! – of their fellow Sparks. Congratulations on a wonderful season!

The January Faculty Appreciation Lunch featured the classic lunchtime combo: soup and sandwiches! Thank you to the volunteers who made this luncheon possible: the Second Grade Parents, Mary Therese Brown, Anne Simmons, Kerry Whalen, and Kate DeCanto. Additional thank yous to Silvia Yono for bringing in the delicious Assyrian specialties, Shannon Kovacs and Gabby Katsantones for teacher appreciation treats, and to the Sampedro family for donating delightful cookie treat bags & cups for our teachers!
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