School will be closed for President’s Day Break from
Friday, February 14 to Monday, February 17.

The Re-Enrollment Period runs through Tuesday, February 18
Re-enrollment contracts for students are now available in your myEmbers account. We are excited to welcome back our families for the 2025-26 school year!

During the Re-Enrollment Period, contracts are available with a reduced, $300/student deposit which will be applied to next year’s tuition. The re-enrollment deposit will increase to the standard $500/student amount on Wednesday, February 19. For more information, please refer to the re-enrollment timeline HERE.

Step-by-Step Re-Enrollment Guide
1) Login to your myEmbers account. You will see a yellow banner at the top. Click the banner:

2) Click the ‘Review’ button located on the right hand side of the screen.

3) The first page you will see is the “Enrollment Contract and Tuition Agreement Summary.” Here you will see your child’s basic information for re-enrollment: new school year, grade, and date of birth. Once you review the information, click “Next.”

4) You will initial and sign releases and the Embers Parent Handbook, set up your payment plan, and pay the tuition deposit.

5) Once you submit your contract, your enrollment will be complete.

For questions about current student re-enrollment, please email Karen Reardon, Registrar.

Enrollment Process for Siblings of Current Students
Parents wishing to enroll siblings of current students for the 2025-26 school year can begin the process at any time by submitting an online application. The application can be found in your family’s myEmbers account under the Resources tab.

For questions about new sibling student enrollment, please email Julene Barder, Admissions Manager.

Spread the Word: Embers Open House!
Saturday, February 22 | 9:30 a.m.

Do you know a family who would be a great fit at Embers? We’d love to have them on campus for our open house!

Join us for a magical evening filled with music, laughter, and sweet memories at the Daddy Daughter Dance! Cost is $30 per family billed to your Blackbaud account upon RSVP.  Please RSVP by Wednesday, February 19th.

Click to RSVP

For questions or volunteer opportunities (moms are welcome to volunteer!) please email Kate DeCanto, Social and Hospitality Coordinator.

Summer at Willows Academy
Registration is now open for Willows’ NEW! summer camp. This camp replaces the retired Camp Soar for girls in 1st-7th Grade. For more information, please click HERE.

Wear Red for Rosewood | Thursday, February 13
Embers is sponsoring a
red clothing out of uniform day to support the Rosewood Foundation. Students may contribute $1 (or more, if they like!) to “Wear Red for Rosewood.”  Thank you for your support!

We’d Love Your Donations!
At Embers’ Extravaganza, the Silent Auction and Wine Pull are integral parts of the evening and your donations help us create an exceptional event!
  • Do you have a bottle of wine you could donate?
  • Can your company provide a donation item?
  • Do you have access to season tickets or concert venues?
  • Are you a member of a private club?
Items can be dropped off at the front office, or you can email Tanya Habib, Procurement Chair. We hope you will consider donating to this great cause!

Basketball Photos are Available
Basketball photos are now available online through VIP Photography! To view/order photos from your picture day:
  • Click HERE.
  • Select “View now” on the green Sports Team & Individual tile.
  • Skip to the third step and enter your information.
  • Select the School Year (Current 2024-2025) and Sport (Basketball) and click “Search”.
If you have any questions, please contact VIP at support@vipis.com.

5th Grade enjoys a cozy reading time with blankets from home during our recent cold snap.

Anthony Esquivel creates recycled paper following a science lesson on material properties and recycling.

Welcome to our Future Spark!
Congratulations to the Boville family on the birth of Maria Josephine, born January 22! Baby Maria joins big brothers Nicholas (2nd Grade Spark), Anthony, Joseph, and Michael.

 Click to view the ’24-’25 School Calendar

The Week Ahead:
February 1
– Re-Enrollment Period Begins ($300/student reduced deposit through Tuesday, February 18).

February 3
– Spirit Week: Crazy Hair & Hat Day

February 4
– Spirit Week: Patriotic Day (Dress in red, white and blue!)

February 5
– Spirit Week: Crazy Sock Day

February 6
– Spirit Week: Super Bowl Day (Wear your favorite sport shirt or jersey!)

February 7
– Spirit Week: School Spirit Day & Virtue Assembly
(Students may wear any Embers spirit wear – including the Red Shirts – and casual bottoms!)

February 8
– First Reconciliation for 2nd Grade


Upcoming Events:


February 13
– Wear Red for Rosewood

February 14 & 17
– NO SCHOOL: President’s Day Weekend

February 18
– Re-Enrollment Period Ends

February 22
– Embers Open House (9:30 a.m.)
– Daddy Daughter Dance (6:00-8:00 p.m., Willows Academy)

Who to Contact

Christopher Goffos:

Sylvia Casaletto: Office Manager
Student absences, late arrivals, and early dismissals. General questions about the school day.

Christina Williams: Dir. of Operations and Business
Tuition and billing questions.

Karen Reardon: Registrar 
Information and questions about myEmbers, student records, and school registration.

Kate DeCanto: Social and Hospitality Coordinator
volunteer opportunities available HERE.

Spirit Wear Store Link

serving students in PreK3 through 5th Grade

8340 N. Greenwood Avenue, Niles, IL 60714
www.embersacademy.org  |  847.518.1185  |  info@embersacademy.org

Copyright © 2025 Embers Academy, All rights reserved.

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