We Will Show Compassion!
Compassion was the focal point of last week’s Virtue Assembly, presented by our 5th Grade class. Through thoughtful skits and a playful chant (to the tune of “We Will Rock You”), Sparks of all ages affirmed that “We will, we will show compassion!”
This month’s Virtue Vista explores ways to encourage compassion in our children during every-day situations. When we are compassionate, we act in the likeness of our Hero of the Month, St. Teresa of Calcutta. Read this month’s Virtue Vista by clicking HERE.
P.E. Uniform Addition
Next year, our 4th and 5th Grade Sparks will be required to wear a P.E. uniform for their weekly class. This uniform will consist of:
- Their red spirit shirt
- An Embers Academy logo’d unisex pair of navy gym shorts available for purchase through Dennis Uniforms
- Optional plain navy sweatpants for the cooler months
Students should wear their regular uniform to school on P.E. days as they will be given time to change before class.
May Crowning
Second Grade led our Sparks in a beautiful celebration of Mary during our 2024 May Crowning. The entire student body, parents, faculty, and staff gathered on the front lawn of Embers to pray the Rosary. Students led prayers and processed Mary to the front table where she was honored with carnations and a crown of flowers. More photos from the day can be found HERE. Thank you to all who joined us on this beautiful day!
This Friday: 5th Grade Wax Museum!
Our 5th Grade students have done extensive research while preparing their portrayal of historical, virtuous role models who have made a positive impact in the world. Don’t miss this wonderful presentation where our Sparks spring to life at the touch of a button!
Walk to Mary Pilgrimage
Last week, several of our Embers faculty and families had the opportunity to participate in the 11th annual, 21-mile trek to the National Shrine of Our Lady of Champion, Wisconsin. This beautiful journey celebrates the apparition of Mary to Adele Brise who made it her life’s mission to teach children the Catholic faith. You can read more about Adele’s story and the Pilgrimage HERE.

Alena (5th Grade) participated in the “Children’s Walk” where she helped carry Mary.
“At the core of Catholic education is the realization that life, itself, is a pilgrimage, and we are called to prepare children for their journey in the world. We educate them not in defense against this world, but as a promise for this world. We form their hearts so that they, in turn, may transform the world.” -WalktoMary.com
Welcome Baby Lucy Fernandes!
Our warmest welcome to Baby Lucy Fernandes. Congratulations to the entire Fernandes family, including proud siblings: John (2nd Grade), Francis (K) and future Sparks, Clare and Charles!

Thursday was “L” day during Kindergarten’s countdown to the final day of school. To celebrate, they held a lemonade sale during lunch and practiced counting loose change.

As of Friday, 23 baby chicks had hatched in 3rd Grade! Our Sparks were able to hold the new hatchlings while examining their habits and physical features.
Willows Summer Sports Camps
Registration is now open for Willows Sports Camps and Camp Soar. Don’t miss out; click below for more info!
Order Your Yearbook Today!
Orders are now being accepted for the 2023-24 Embers Yearbook. Please click HERE for more information.
4th Grade Yearbook Cover Contest
All 4th Graders are welcome to create an entry for the Yearbook Cover Competition. Entries must be received by Monday, May 20. Please click HERE for more information. We can’t wait to see your creativity!
Little Sparks in the Park | May 21, 9:00-11:00 a.m.
Little Sparks will have its final playdate of the Spring on Tuesday, May 21. All are welcome to join us at Greenwood park for a lively morning!
Fantastic Fridays
We’re having a fantastic end to the school year! More information can be found HERE!
- Friday, May 17 | 5th Grade Wax Museum | 1:00-3:00 p.m.* New time & location for 2024!
- Friday, May 24 | Fine Arts Fair
- Annual Spark Art Show | 12:00-3:00 p.m.
- 4th Grade Living Art Museum | 12:30-1:30 p.m.
- Embers Music Performance | 2:00-2:45 p.m.
- Friday, May 31 | Last Day of School & Field Day | 11:30 Dismissal
All Sparks should wear their red spirit shirts with casual bottoms.
The Week Ahead:
Friday, May 17
– 5th Grade Wax Museum (1:00-3:00 p.m.)
Upcoming Events:
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