2023-24 Classroom Assignments
We are excited to announce the classroom rosters for 2023-24!
We are excited to have our families back on campus for our Back to School Fair on Thursday, August 31, from 3:00-7:00 p.m. We ask that students in our PK classes attend with their parents; attendance is optional for students in grades K-5.
While you are at the fair, be sure to visit our lobby Info Booths, including:
- myEmbers Cafe – assistance with all things Blackbaud
- Embers Parents Association – find out more about this year’s EPA offerings and how you can get involved
- Uniform Table – limited gently used uniform pieces and information on ordering uniforms through Dennis
- And more!
Individual parent/teacher conferences will not be held during the Back to School Fair. Conferences will be held at the end of the first trimester on Monday, November 20.
Calling All Music Fans
Stop by the music room during the Back to School Fair for all things Music! Mr. Sadlowski will be on hand to answer all your questions about Embers band / choir groups and assist with signups.
Just starting out in band? Instrument Selection will also be available for Beginning Band students. This hands-on approach will help your student select the perfect instrument as they begin their musical journey!
For those who cannot attend the Fair, there will be an optional Band Info & Instrument Selection Day on Thursday, September 7.
Yearbooks Have Arrived!
The 2022-23 Yearbooks have arrived and will be passed out at the Back to School Fair for families who have ordered them. If you are unable to attend the Fair, yearbooks will be passed out the first week of school. Yearbooks for promoted families will be mailed this week.
Extended Day Program
Signups will soon be available for Embers’ Extended Day Program. EDP for the 2022-23 school year begins on Wednesday, September 6th. Prices will remain the same as last year:
- Before School: $8.00 per student
- After School: $10.00 per student, per hour
- Drop-in Charge: An additional $5 per hour, per student, will be charged if 24 hours advance notice is not given.
- Family Cap: For families of 3+ children, charges are capped after 2 students.
Dear Parents,
Before heading out for the summer, our faculty and staff attended a brief workshop that included SWOT analyses of our commitments to academic excellence in character formation; a lecture and discussion on the pedagogy of St. Josemaría Escrivá, led by Dean of Faculty Pablo Boville; and mini workshops on good literature and beauty in the classroom, led by Dr. Stephen Smith of Hillsdale College, and his talented wife, Laura Smith. Thanks to exceptional planning by Miss Noteman, we were able to spend a social afternoon together at the bowling alley!
Many teachers are already back in the building preparing their classrooms. We begin new faculty onboarding on August 24 and full-faculty workshops on August 25.
I’m most excited for two things on the agenda: 1) A Love and Logic professional development workshop led by Bob Barder of Northridge Prep., which will help us refine our approach to student discipline. 2) A workshop on Motor Lab, a new special offering at Embers this year that will help our K-3rd students develop motor skills and prepare their bodies for learning. I’ll be presenting a deeper explanation of these at our Curriculum Night on September 21.
Christopher Goffos
Red Shirt Reminder: Spirit Day Ahead
Our first Spirit Day of the year is one month away! Each month on Spirit Day, our students are welcome to wear their red Embers Spirit Shirt and casual bottoms. This special Spirit Shirt with Embers logo can be ordered through Dennis Uniforms.

It was great seeing our families back on campus for the Used Uniform Sale!
Calendar Updates
We have been updating our online calendar to reflect our confirmed dates for 2022-23. Please note these important updates:
- Christmas Concert: Thursday, December 14
- Embers Extravaganza: Saturday, March 23
- 5th Grade Farewell: Tuesday, May 28
We recommend bookmarking our online calendar for reference all year long!
Cross Country Registration Open
Registration for Embers’ fall cross country team is now open to students in grades 3rd-5th. Practices begin before the school year starts, on Friday, September 1. See the Google Signup below for more information and to register.
Tuition Information
Tuition payment information is available online at Blackbaud Tuition Management. To access this site for your Smart Tuition account, visit https://parent.blackbaud.school. Please note that Blackbaud Tuition Management is a different site than myEmbers! and you will need to create a new log on to access your information. Email the Business office at business@embersacademy.org if you have any questions or need assistance. Thank you!
Upcoming Events:
Thursday, August 31
Back to School Fair (3:00-7:00 p.m.)
Tuesday, September 5
First Day of School (11:30 a.m. Dismissal)
EPA Parent Welcome Coffee (during morning dropoff)
Wednesday, September 6
All-School Mass
Friday, September 8
Cross Country Meet (4:00 p.m., Resurrection High School)
Sunday, September 10
Ice Cream Social (2:00-4:00 p.m.)
Friday, September 15
Spirit Day & Virtue Assembly (10:45 a.m., Paluch Hall)
Cross Country Meet (4:00 p.m., Resurrection High School)
Tuesday, September 19
Little Sparks in the Park (9:00-11:00 a.m.)
Thursday, September 21
Curriculum Night (6:00-8:00 p.m.)
Friday, September 22
Cross Country Meet (4:00 p.m., Resurrection High School)
Natalie Donado: School Office Secretary
Uniforms, school supplies, hot lunch, and general questions about the school day.
Sylvia Casaletto: Office Manager
Medical and allergy forms, birth and baptismal certificates, and student records.
Karen Reardon: Registrar
Information and questions about myEmbers!
Lelia Harig: Business Office Manager
Tuition, Billing, and Extended Day Program (EDP).
Christopher Goffos: Headmaster