Dear Parents,
What an amazing start to a new school year!
I hope you had the chance to meet other parents, new and old, at our welcome back coffee and the annual all-school ice cream social. For me, at least, it didn’t really sink in how much we had grown – to enrollment of 239, with 61 new students to begin the year, and wait lists in multiple grades! – until that happy horde of Sparks entered the doors on the first day of school. So many new faces, and so much excitement.
Inspired by the teachings of St. Josemaría Escrivá, the pedagogy that informs our school says that parents come first. You are the primary educators of your children, and we’re here to help you on that journey by actively partnering with you as your colleagues, and as much as we can, to facilitate your growth alongside that of teachers and students.
An important way we’ve done so for the better part of two decades is through the Embers Parents Association. The EPA has gone through several transformations over the years. But it has always boasted many hard-working volunteers dedicated to forming and deepening friendships within the school community, along with providing formational opportunities so that we can all grow to be the best husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, teachers, and friends God wants us to be.
This year, we’re dropping the moniker “Embers Parents Association.” Though the EPA name is being phased out, by no means is this a goodbye to our parent social, hospitality, ambassador, and formation opportunities. Each of these areas now has a dedicated school employee who is focused on making it a success. This restructuring allows us to double-down on our commitment to keep parents first at Embers.
If you haven’t already done so, be sure to check out our comprehensive volunteer sign-up form HERE. But don’t hesitate to reach out to anyone on the team directly so we can work together to have another great year at Embers.
Christopher Goffos