Embers Academy is excited to offer “Parenting the Love and Logic Way” with instructor Robert Barder! Love and Logic combines loving support from parents with the great expectation that kids will be respectful and responsible. This parents-only, interactive course will feature:
  • How to teach responsibility without losing your kids’ love
  • How to avoid unwinnable power struggles and arguments
  • How to guide kids toward owning and solving their problems
  • How parents can feel more positive, relaxed, and hopeful about their children
  • And much, much more!
For more information and to register, click HERE!
Registration is limited. Classes are parents-only; on-site childcare will be provided.

Curriculum Night is Thursday!

Thursday, September 19 | 6:00-8:00 p.m.
Doors Open at 5:45 p.m.

Thursday will be our annual parents-only Curriculum Night. This social and informative evening aims to strengthen the partnership between parents and school while covering exciting updates for the new school year.  Refreshments will be provided!

Mr. Goffos will start the evening with an in-person Headmaster Highlight at 6:05 p.m. where he will spotlight curriculum updates and new all-school initiatives. Afterwards, parents will have three sessions where you can visit your students’ classrooms to talk with teachers or learn more about our enrichment programs.

We look forward to seeing you!

Dear Parents,

What an amazing start to a new school year!

I hope you had the chance to meet other parents, new and old, at our welcome back coffee and the annual all-school ice cream social. For me, at least, it didn’t really sink in how much we had grown – to enrollment of 239, with 61 new students to begin the year, and wait lists in multiple grades! – until that happy horde of Sparks entered the doors on the first day of school. So many new faces, and so much excitement.

Inspired by the teachings of St. Josemaría Escrivá, the pedagogy that informs our school says that parents come first. You are the primary educators of your children, and we’re here to help you on that journey by actively partnering with you as your colleagues, and as much as we can, to facilitate your growth alongside that of teachers and students. 

An important way we’ve done so for the better part of two decades is through the Embers Parents Association. The EPA has gone through several transformations over the years. But it has always boasted many hard-working volunteers dedicated to forming and deepening friendships within the school community, along with providing formational opportunities so that we can all grow to be the best husbands, wives, fathers, mothers, teachers, and friends God wants us to be.

This year, we’re dropping the moniker “Embers Parents Association.” Though the EPA name is being phased out, by no means is this a goodbye to our parent social, hospitality, ambassador, and formation opportunities. Each of these areas now has a dedicated school employee who is focused on making it a success. This restructuring allows us to double-down on our commitment to keep parents first at Embers. 

If you haven’t already done so, be sure to check out our comprehensive volunteer sign-up form HERE. But don’t hesitate to reach out to anyone on the team directly so we can work together to have another great year at Embers.

Christopher Goffos

New! Monthly Appreciation Luncheon

This year, our wonderful faculty and staff will be treated to monthly appreciation lunches. We will be asking each grade to be in charge of a month (see below) and your Parent Ambassadors will be sending out an email with more information and the ways in which you can contribute. If you would like to further assist with the luncheon, please fill out the volunteer form HERE.

Luncheon Schedule:

October: 5th Grade
November: 4th Grade
December: 3rd Grade
January: 2nd Grade

February: 1st Grade
March: Kindergarten
April: Teacher Appreciation Week
May: Preschool

Students will learn about elements and principles of art while working on exercises and projects meant to activate their brain’s right side. While exploring shape, color, line, and texture, students will become familiar with techniques that will help them to develop their own style.

Registration due Wednesday, October 2. Click HERE for more information and to register!

Cross Country
Cross Country competes in their second meet of the year this Friday at Resurrection High School. All families are welcome to join at 4:00 p.m. to cheer them to victory!

Our soccer team has proven to be a strong team this year, starting the season with a 2-1 record! This week’s games:
  • Saturday, September 14 | 2:00 p.m. | Ni-Ridge Park
    Embers vs. Mary, Seat of Wisdom
  • Sunday, September 15 | 1:00 p.m. | St. Patrick High School
    Embers vs. St. Celestine
  • Tuesday, September 17 | 4:00 p.m. | Ni-Ridge Park
    Embers vs. Saint Paul of the Cross
  • Saturday, September 21 | 2:00 p.m. | Ni-Ridge Park
    Embers vs. Saint Paul of the Cross

Upcoming Events
  • Parent Pickleball – Embers’ first ever Pickleball gathering will be Sunday, September 29, from 4:00-6:00 p.m. Couples, friend duos, and singleton players are all welcome! Click HERE for more information or to register.
  • Little Sparks in the Park – our parent-child playgroup will be held at Embers’ playground this fall! Invite your friends and neighbors to join us for this fun community event. Two fall Tuesdays: September 24 and October 15, 9:00-11:00 a.m. More information can be found HERE.

Student Health Disclosure:
If you have not turned in your family’s
Student Health Disclosure Form, please do so as soon as possible This form should be completed by each family, even if your student does not have a medical need. A blank copy of this form can be downloaded HERE.

Last Sunday’s Ice Cream Social was the perfect way to kick off the new school year!

Our students – and parents – enjoyed a tasty treat, delightful crafts, and a beautiful day to catch up with friends. Thank you to event coordinator, Kelly Beck, and all our volunteers who made this day a success:

Sarah Weiske
Young Kasarski
Alison Richards
Madeleine Holoska
Maryem Telche
Jennie and Lukasz Sledz
Tania Habib

Jamie Simon
Jason Beck
Christopher DeCanto

Embers Graduates:

Catherine Jensen
Edel Burke
Kate Whalen

The Week Ahead:

Thursday, September 19
– Curriculum Night (6:00-8:00 p.m.) *Parents Only
Bricks 4 Kidz Begins
Upcoming Events:
Tuesday, September 24
– Little Sparks in the Park (9:00-11:00 a.m.)

Sunday, September 29
– Parent Pickleball (3:00-5:00 p.m.)
Monday, September 30
– Beginning Band Begins

Friday, October 4
– Spirit Day & Virtue Assembly

Who to Contact

Christopher Goffos:

Sylvia Casaletto: Office Manager
Student absences, late arrivals, and early dismissals. General questions about the school day.

Christina Williams: Dir. of Operations and Business
Tuition and billing questions.

Karen Reardon: Registrar 
Information and questions about myEmbers!, student records, and school registration.

Kate DeCanto: Social and Hospitality Coordinator
Parent volunteers are always welcome!
Check out our volunteer opportunities HERE.

 Click to view the ’24-’25 School Calendar

serving students in PreK3 through 5th Grade

8340 N. Greenwood Avenue, Niles, IL 60714
www.embersacademy.org  |  847.518.1185  |  info@embersacademy.org

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