Columbus Day Weekend Ahead:
– There will be no school –
Friday, October 6 through Monday, October 9
Congratulations to our Champions!
Last Friday, our Sparks were on fire at the final cross country meet of the year. In a field of 11 area schools with nearly 300 participants, our athletes walked away with several impressive awards, including 3 girls top 50 finishes, 6 boys top 50 finishes, 3 boys top TEN finishes, and a huge achievement for the boy’s team: First Place League Champions! Congratulations to all our Sparks on such a strong season!
Congratulations to Our Top 10 Finishers:
4th Place: James Anastasi
6th Place: Marco Castillo
8th Place: Rocco Galluzzi
Basketball Registration Now Open
Embers Academy boys and girls basketball teams are open to students in 4th and 5th grades. The Basketball league has not yet set the season schedule, but we anticipate practices starting the second week of October, and games soon thereafter. We are still looking for coaches! Now is the time to channel your inner Coach Rey.
Registration is due on Columbus Day, Monday, October 9. For more information or to register, please see the link below.
Embers Soccer had a phenomenal game this past Wednesday, with a 5-0 win! This week will be their last of the season; don’t miss your chance to see our 2023 team in action.
Final Games:
Monday, October 2 at 4:00 p.m.
Game vs Saint Mary of the Woods | Wildwood Park
Thursday, October 5 at 4:30 p.m.
Game vs Saint Paul of the Cross | Ni-Ridge Park
Friday, October 6 at 5:00 p.m.
Game vs St. Robert Bellarmine | Dunham (Robert) Park
Saturday, October 7 at 6:15 p.m.
Game vs St. John Brebeuf | Golf Mill Park
Welcome to our Newest Spark, Agnes!
Headmaster Highlights has been paused this week to welcome a special arrival, Agnes Claire Goffos! Agnes was born September 27, at 10:29 pm. She is warmly welcomed by her siblings, Luke (Kindergarten), Lucy (3), and Cecilia (2), with whom she shares this birthday.
Congratulations to our Headmaster, Christopher, his wife Kristine, and their entire family on this blessed arrival!
First Dads Club of the Year!
Winter Uniforms Begin Oct 16
Fall has arrived and soon our Winter Uniform Policy will be in effect. From October 15-April 15, students must adhere to the winter dress code which prohibits shorts and requires red sweaters/vests as outlined in the dress code. If you have any questions, please refer to the requirements listed here.
Mass Buddies Buddy Up
Last week, 5th Grade and Kindergarten met their Mass Buddies. Each duo had a fun afternoon getting to know each other over a good book. This mentorship continues throughout the year with opportunities to practice the parts of the mass together, as well as social opportunities for books, puzzles, and games.
Picture day will be on:
Friday, October 20.
All students should wear their uniforms – and best Spark smiles! – for their photos.
Enhanced Lockdown Drill
In October, Embers will be holding a state-required Enhanced Lockdown Drill. The drill addresses an active threat inside our building and evaluates the preparedness of school personnel and students for responding to this type of event. Please be assured that the drill:
- Does not include any simulations that mimic an active shooter event
- Includes content that is age and developmentally appropriate
- Emphasizes to students the need to listen to adults and follow instructions
You can help prepare your children for this drill by reminding them of the need to listen to the teachers and other adults at school who will tell them what to do. If applicable, please remind your children that we do not talk about school violence at Embers, involving guns or shooting, to maintain the innocence of our students. Thank you for your cooperation and support of this important emergency procedure!
Little Sparks are Headed to the Park
All families and friends are welcome to join us. Spread the word!
Save the Date: EPA Trunk or Treat
Sunday, October 15 | 3:00 Setup | 3:30 Trick or Treat
Join our community for this Spooktacular event. Prizes will be awarded for the best decoration! Also, don’t miss EPA’s 50/50 raffle to benefit 2024 Teacher Appreciation Week. Tickets are $5/each or 5 for $20. Cash & Zelle Accepted
Embers Grandparent Database
We are currently compiling a database of our Embers Grandparents. If you have grandparents who would like to receive our weekly Spark News email and other communication, please fill out the form below!
The Week Ahead:
Monday, October 2
Embers Soccer Game vs St. Mary of the Woods (4:00 p.m. | Wildwood Park)
Thursday, October 5
Embers Soccer Game vs St. Paul of the Cross (4:30 p.m. | Ni-Ridge Park)
Friday, October 6
No School: Faculty In-Service
Embers Soccer Game vs St. Robert Bellarmine (5:00 p.m. | Dunham (Robert) Park)
Upcoming Events:
Embers Soccer Game vs St. John Brebeuf (6:15 p.m. | Golf Mill Park)
Monday, October 9
No School: Columbus Day
Tuesday, October 10
Advanced Band Auditions
Thursday, October 12
Advanced Band Begins
Friday, October 13
Spirit Day & Virtue Assembly (10:45 a.m.)
Sunday, October 15
EPA Trunk or Treat (3:00-5:00 p.m.)
Monday, October 16
Winter Uniform Begins
Tuesday, October 17
Little Sparks in the Park (9:00-11:00 a.m.)
Friday, October 20
Picture Day
Natalie Donado: School Office Secretary
Uniforms, school supplies, hot lunch, Extended Day Program (EDP), and general questions about the school day.
Sylvia Casaletto: Office Manager
Medical and allergy forms, birth and baptismal certificates, and student records.
Christina Williams: Director Parents Association
All families are welcome to help with the EPA! More information on volunteer opportunities are available here.
Karen Reardon: Registrar
Information and questions about myEmbers!
Lelia Harig: Business Office Manager
Tuition and billing questions.
Christopher Goffos: Headmaster