Final 6 Days!
There is less than a week left to order your poinsettias through Embers Parents Association’s Poinsettia fundraiser. These beautiful flowers will not only brighten up your homes, but also help fund EPA events throughout the school year! (And they make wonderful hostess gifts.)
Online orders may be submitted at the Google order form below and paper order forms may be turned into the front office.
Questions? Email
Honoring Lost Loved Ones

First grade, lead by Señiora Carpenter, prays a decade of the rosary in Spanish for the souls of the departed.
Courtesy Means Being Thoughtful
The virtue competition is on and parents are rejoicing! To reinforce this month’s virtue of Courtesy, students have been helping set the table for dinner and practicing their most courteous meal time behavior.

Last Friday’s virtue assembly, lead by the PreK classes, taught us how important it is to be courteous and always say “please”!
At Embers, the spirit of partnership is all around us. Whether it’s 4th grade students celebrating National Playdough day by making “snowmen” with the Kindergarten classes, or our grade 5 classes working with PreK on Box Day to let their imagination fly, our students learn at an early age that working together is the best way achieve a common goal.
The partnership at Embers between parents and school is also a critical to the Essence of Embers. With your generosity, we were able to complete much-needed upgrades to classrooms and teacher facilities this summer. These updates have allowed our students more space to learn and play on a daily bases. With our Annual Fund, every dollar you donate goes directly towards improving our Embers community!
Our 2022 Annual Fund goal is to hit 100% participation from current families, faculty, staff, and board.
We hope that you will join us in ensuring the success of Embers Academy by donating to the Annual Fund today!
Picture Retakes on Wednesday
Picture retakes are scheduled for this Wednesday, November 16. If you would like your child to have a new photograph taken, please email Mrs. Caseletto by Monday, November 14.
Save the Date!
Mark your calendars and notify the Grandparents! This year’s annual Christmas concert will take place on Wednesday, December 14. (*Please note the date; the concert will not be on Thursday as in previous publications.)
Congratulations to the Newly Engaged!

Congratulations to our newly engaged faculty:
Lisa Zavacki & Chad Alan and Toni Lakowski & Pablo Boville
Conference Signup
Sign-ups for the upcoming Parent-Teacher conferences are now available on using the link below. They will be held in-person at Embers on Monday, November 21, from 9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.
To be respectful of our teacher’s schedules, please note that conferences will only be held on Monday. Conferences may not be scheduled for any other day. If you plan to be out of town, please schedule your appointment online and then contact your student’s teacher(s) to set up a virtual conference. If you do not contact your teacher, it will be assumed that you are doing an in-person conference.
The Week Ahead:
Wednesday, November 16
Picture Re-takes
Friday, November 18
Poinsettia Fundraiser Ends
Friday, November 18
End of Trimester
Upcoming Events:
Monday, November 21 (9:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m.)
NO CLASSES: Parent – Teacher Conferences
No EDP will be available this week.
Tuesday, November 22
NO CLASSES: Faculty In-Service Day
No EDP will be available this week.
Wednesday, November 23-Friday, November 25
NO CLASSES: Thanksgiving Holiday
No EDP will be available this week.
Monday, November 28
Classes Resume. EDP Resumes
Tuesday, November 29
EPA Dads Club Meeting
Wednesday, November 30
Report cards are available on MyEmbers!
Friday, December 2
Spirit Day & Virtue Assembly
Enjoy original skits performed by musical guests like The Irving Sisters, the Northridge Preparatory Youth Choir, Michaela Elise Fox, and Julian Hagen! Tickets are free, but going quickly.
Natalie Donado: School Office Secretary
Uniforms, school supplies, hot lunch, and general questions about the school day.
Sylvia Casaletto: Office Manager
Medical and allergy forms, birth and baptismal certificates, and student records.
Karen Reardon: Registrar
Information and questions about myEmbers!
Lelia Harig: Business Office Manager
Information and questions about Extended Day Program (EDP).