Dear Embers Parents, 

It is with great sadness that we share with you the death of Mrs. Jeanne Nowicki, former Kindergarten teacher at Embers Academy. Mrs. Nowicki was a dedicated teacher and devoted mother to her two boys, Zeke and Alex, who were Embers Sparks (PK4 and 3rd Grade) last school year.  

Our Embers school family will gather in the church on Thursday, December 9th at 9:30 a.m. to pray the rosary for the repose of Mrs. Nowicki’s soul and for her two young boys. All Embers families are invited to join us for this special recitation of the rosary tomorrow.  

We believe that this type of news should be shared with children by their parents, and ask that you keep Mrs. Nowicki and her boys in your family’s prayers. 

You can read Mrs. Nowicki’s obituary HERE. 

For those who are searching for ways to support Mrs. Nowicki’s family during this difficult time, her family and friends have organized a GoFundMe effort to provide financial support for her boys. Please feel free to contribute if you wish. 

serving students in PK3 through 5th  grade

8340 N. Greenwood Avenue,  Niles, IL 60714
www.embersacademy.org    847.518.1185   info@embersacademy.org

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