2021-2022 Year of the Family!  
Under the patronage of St. Joseph, Pillar of Families

There Goes a Dump Truck!

What is going on in front of Embers?  We are excited to share with you that the construction of Embers’ 2022-23 driveway has begun! This driveway will accommodate the growth of Embers and, more importantly, maintain our priority of allowing our students and families to safely arrive at school each day. We will keep you informed as things progress.


Please join us in offering prayers and condolences to the Carter family on the passing of Eugene Carter, co-founder of Northridge and Willows. His 14  grandchildren have attended Northridge, Willows and Embers (Ben 5th), and now his great-grandchild (Pierce PK3) is a Spark! Mr. Carter is remembered for his generosity, integrity, and commitment to the mission of Embers.

Parent-Teacher Conferences

Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on:

  • Thursday, November 11, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.  
  • Friday, November 12, 8:00 a.m. to noon. 

These conferences are an opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher and check in on your student’s progress.

  • There will be no babysitting available at the conferences.
  • Mrs. Reardon will be available to answer any questions about myEmbers! at the CyberCafe.

Sign up for Conferences

Come Volunteer! The Embers Parent Association Hospitality Committee is looking for volunteers to help welcome parents to the school and manage refreshments at a table by the Visitor entrance during Parent-Teacher Conferences. 

Volunteers can sign up for a spot before or after their scheduled conference. Refreshments will be set up and taken down by Hospitality Coordinators, Kate DeCanto and Kelly Beck.  Click here to sign up to volunteer.

Daylight Savings Time

Virtue Vistas – Gratitude

Catechesis of the Good Shepherd

Students from PK4, Kindergarten, and 1st Grade started visiting the Good Shepherd atrium last week.  In the atrium, students begin to foster a personal relationship with Jesus, the Good Shepherd, and learn to wait patiently for God to speak to them in their hearts.  This is a beautiful experience in faith formation for our students and we are grateful to Mrs. Suzy Ullman and Mrs. Ann Sodaro for their leadership in bringing this experience to our Sparks!

Yay! Happy Birthday! Thank you to all who supported 1st grade’s service project!

Preschool Service Project

The Preschoolers have launched November’s virtue, Gratitude, with a service project. The whole school is invited to help participate!

McKenna’s Bags LTD is a non-profit organization that helps the homeless by providing them with backpacks filled with toiletries and essentials. They also recycle plastic grocery bags by turning them into sleep mats which keep people from sleeping on the cold ground.

Embers’ students and families can help support this organization and their clients in a few simple ways: 

  • Each class is assigned an item to contribute to the backpack supply.  Please look for a flyer in your child’s Friday Folder that lists each grade‘s item. Everything on the list can be purchased at the Dollar Tree Store.  

  • Send in plastic grocery bags to help build lots of sleeping mats. 

Please send items in with your student between November 1st and 18th. Thank you very much for helping Preschool fulfill this beautiful mission!

Bottle Dolls

4th grade read biographies and presented book reports with homemade dolls made from bottles.

Embers Open House

Community News

School District 64 offers monthly free Developmental Screenings for children 2 – 6 years old.  Click here for more information.

Coming Up This Week

Thursday, Nov. 11
Half-day Dismissal
Parent-Teacher Conferences 
1:00 – 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 – 8:00 p.m.

Friday, Nov. 12 –
No School
Parent-Teacher Conferences
8:00 a.m. – noon

Athletics Calendar


4th Grade Boys
Embers vs. St. John Brebeuf
Saturday, Nov. 6 at 3:00 p.m.

Embers vs. St. Paul of the Cross
Friday, Nov. 12 at 7:30 p.m

4th & 5th Grade Girls
Embers vs. St. Paul of the Cross

Thursday, Nov. 11 at 6:30 p.m.

Embers vs. Mary Seat of Wisdom
Friday, Nov. 12 at 6:00 p.m.

MyEmbers   Dennis Uniform    School Supply Lists    Virtue Vistas
Medical Forms: Medical, Dental, Vision    Illinois Food Allergy Form

serving students in PK3 through 5th  grade
8340 N. Greenwood Avenue, Niles, IL 60714  |  847.518.1185  |  info@embersacademy.org    Copyright © 2021 Embers Academy, All rights reserved.

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