2021-2022 Year of the Family!
Under the patronage of St. Joseph, Pillar of Families
Save the Date!
Sunday, February 27, 2022
Join us for our Embers Extravaganza! Bring your whole family for our annual fundraiser to help continue to Spark the Future!
Plan for an afternoon of good food, fellowship with friends—old and new, amazing auction items, and superb entertainment from our very own Embers Fire Choir and Band. Please note the date change and be on the lookout for more details soon!
Plan ahead for a FUN last week of school before Christmas break!
Monday, December 13
All-School Rosary for Our Lady of Guadalupe at 9:30 a.m.
Thursday, December 16
Christmas Concert
Join us for an evening of Christmas music performed by our Kindergarten – 5th Grade Sparks!
Date: Thursday, Dec. 16th
Time: 6:30 p.m. (Students should arrive at 6:15 p.m.)
Place: Northridge Prep, 8320 N. Ballard Rd., Niles
Let’s Dress to Impress!
Students should dress up in their Christmas best!
Dress pants, skirts or dresses.
Any festive accessories like ties, scarves or hair bows.
(Please no t-shirts, jeans or gym shoes!)
Christmas Accessory Day
Accessorize your uniform with Christmas socks, festive hats and holiday hair accessories!
No Band practice
After Care only, no Homework Club
Friday, December 17
Red and Green Day
Dress out of uniform in red, green or your favorite Christmas shirt!
Classroom Christmas parties
Half Day – Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.
No After Care
Christmas Fund for Teachers
Each year the Embers Parent Association organizes an appeal to provide a generous Christmas bonus for the faculty and staff at Embers. This fund is a wonderful way to communicate our appreciation for the many dedicated teachers and staff at our school. We are grateful for every dollar donated, and any amount contributed is so appreciated! Donations are due Tuesday, December 14th.
Family Mass on Christmas Eve

Embers 4th-5th Grade Girls Basketball, coached by Mr. Billy Whalen, ended the season on a 3-game winning streak, beating St. Paul of the Cross Wednesday night 12-10, in quite the nail biter with a roaring crowd at the end! Mr. Boville came to cheer the girls on.
Call for Grandparent Info
Grandparents are special people in your family! We are happy to keep these important people informed about all that is happening at Embers. Please send the name, address, and email address of all the grandparents in your life to Mrs. Casaletto at scasaletto@embersacademy.org.
Chess Scholars provides fun and competitive chess instruction as an Embers after school activity for Kindergarten thru 5th grades. Detailed information and registration can be found below.
- Dates: Tuesdays, January 11 – March 15
- Time: 3:30 – 4:30 p.m.
Register by January 3rd for the Early Bird Price of $145.
You can make a difference every time you purchase using AmazonSmile. Each time you shop on Amazon, first sign in to smile.amazon.com, select Embers Academy as your charity, and then shop! Your purchases on Amazon will generate a donation to Embers Academy!
Click here for more instructions on how to use AmazonSmile.
Please join us in offering prayers for the repose of the soul of Mrs. Mikan’s Father-in-Law, Joseph Mikan, and Mrs. Wessel’s Mother-in-Law, Sue Petter.
The Our Lady of Ransom Food Pantry is always looking for food donations, especially around Christmas time. Please click here for more information.
Coming Up This Week
Monday, Dec. 13 –
All-School Rosary
Thursday, Dec. 16 –
Christmas Concert 6:30 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 17 –
Half Day –
Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.
Athletics Calendar
4th Grade Boys
Embers vs. St. Mary of the Woods
Monday, Dec. 13 – 7:00 p.m.
5th Grade Boys
Embers vs. St. Mary of the Woods
Monday, Dec. 13 – 8:00 p.m.