2021-2022 Year of the Family!  
Under the patronage of St. Joseph, Pillar of Families

No school on February 18 and 21
Dismissal at 11:30 on February 17

We Need You!

In order to make our event a success, we are looking for volunteers! We know everyone’s time is precious and we appreciate any help you can provide! 

Please use the link below to see if there is an area in which you would be interested in helping with and we will put you in touch with the co-chair of that committee.

Volunteer Here

Buy your Extravaganza tickets now!

Credit Card Pre-Registration

Don’t stand in line at the Extravaganza checkout! Fill out the Credit Card Authorization Form, and turn into the office in a sealed envelope by March 1st.

Authorization Form

Grand Raffle Update

Classroom Contest #1

The winner of the Out-of-Uniform Day and a Pizza and Ice Cream Party is 2nd Grade!

Week 4 Results:
PK3 = 47%
PK4 = 33%
Kindergarten = 63%
First Grade = 56%

Second Grade = 64%
Third Grade = 53%
Fourth Grade = 60%
Fifth Grade = 27%

Classroom Contest #2
begins on Monday and ends on Wednesday,  March 2.

Keep selling raffle tickets to win your class a movie and popcorn party!

If you need more raffle tickets to sell, please come to the School Office.

Parking Lot Safety

When you arrive for morning drop off, please stay with your children until our doors open at 8 a.m.  If you need to drop your children off before 8 a.m., please click HERE for the Before and After School Care Registration form.  Thank you for your cooperation with this important safety protocol!

Parent/Teacher Conferences

Conferences are a great opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher and check in on your student’s progress!

  • There will be no babysitting available at the conferences.

Sign up for Parent/Teacher Conferences

Embers students greet the videographer’s drone on Wednesday!

Save the Date!

Mother-Son Bingo Night
Friday, April 1st
6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Paluch Hall

Daddy-Daughter Dance
Saturday, April 23rd
Willows Academy

Tots Enjoying Little Sparks! 

Fourteen moms and their little ones  joined us for a morning of fun and friendship on Wednesday!

Coming Up This Week

Thursday, Feb. 17

Half-day of school
Dismissal at 11:30 a.m.

Parent Teacher Conferences
12:30-4:30 p.m. & 5:30-8:30 p.m.

Friday, Feb. 18
No School

Monday, Feb. 21
No School – Presidents Day

Tuesday, Feb. 22
Dads Discuss the Faith

For more information, please visit www.embersacademy.org.
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