Classes Resume on Tuesday, April 11.
We hope you have a blessed break!
Always Had Hiiiiiigh Hopes
High hopes for 2023 and beyond! Our Sparks joyful presentation – and delightful teacher cameos – brought a smile to everyone’s face on Extravaganza evening. Please enjoy this presentation of High Hopes!

“I was gonna be that one in a million / Always had high, high hopes!”
Embers’ Mighty Mistro!
As you can imagine, putting together two music videos, featuring over 120 of our students, that includes soloists and dancers is no small feat! We are incredibly grateful to Mr. Rob Sadlowski for the extensive time and energy he put into making these videos. Music is so often overlooked, and we are thrilled to say that is not the case at Embers! Mr. Sadlowski’s talents are greatly appreciated.
2023/2024 School Calendar
The calendar for next year’s school year is now available! For a printable version, you can click the calendar below.
Sign ups for our 2023 Soccer Club are now available for K-5th Grade! The Club meets Fridays at 3:30 p.m. from April 21-May 26. All registration forms are due on Friday, April 14 as the season starts the following week! Please see the flyer below for more information.
April Virtue: Forgiveness
Our April virtue, Forgiveness, was presented on Monday by our 2nd grade classes. We learned all about the importance of not only forgiving others, but also the importance of apologizing. We encourage all our families to witness God’s forgiveness this month and experience the Sacrament of Reconciliation, either by going to church as a family or by talking about the Sacrament with your children. Celebrating the Sacrament is a beautiful experience of God’s love!
Congratulations Honor Roll Recipients
Honor Roll is a new initiative this year to recognize our 5th grade students who have no more than 1 B on their report card. Congratulations to our 2nd Trimester Honor Roll Recipients!
Ellie Ayers
David Barder
Grahm Grandinetti
Kassia Hadnagy
Katherine Jensen
Genevieve Lavaccare
Dylan Lukens
Mary Claire McEwen
Liam McIntire
Elena Paganis
Nathan Philip
Jasiu Predki
Jaxson Quinley
Joseph Radlinski
Benjamin Richards
Annie Stepansky
Emmett Williams
A Wild Time was Had by All!
Our students had a “wild” time on Tuesday at the J.G. Reptile Show! From snakes and cockroaches to giant turtles and lizards, our Sparks got a hands-on approach in learning about how these animals live. Thank you to all who supported our 2023 Extravaganza fundraiser by purchasing your students’ ticket to this amazing show!
Embers is Going RED for ROSEWOOD!
Friday, April 14
On Friday, April 14, Embers is sponsoring a red out of uniform day to support the Rosewood Foundation. The Rosewood Foundation seeks to provide students in need of additional learning support the opportunity to receive a Catholic education at Embers and Catholic schools throughout Chicagoland.
Embers students are asked to contribute $1 (or more, if they like!) to wear red on Friday, April 14. Thank you for your support!
Coffee & Convo: Part 2
The second half of Pascale Burns’ talk on the Love Languages will be held on Friday, April 28th from 8:45-10:30. Previous attendance not required!
Calling All Little Sparks
Our Little Sparks playgroup is excited for Spring! Mark your calendars and invite some friends – this playgroup welcomes all families with children ages 0-5 to enjoy a fun morning of playtime. If the weather is nice, Little Sparks is held down the road at Greenwood Park. On a rainy day, we gather in the Embers Bonus Room.
Escaping the Gingerbread House
Our students who read all their minutes during Literacy Month received a fun surprise this week – an Escape Room! Working in teams by grade, they looked for clues and solved problems to escape the Gingerbread House. (Luckily), everyone survived and earned a treat!
Lookin’ Fine Reminder
If your student received a “Lookin’ Fine” out of uniform slip for this month, please note that the dress down day will be next THURSDAY, April 13.
Willows Academy Easter Carnival
Friday, April 14 | 3:30-4:30 p.m.
Willows will be holding their Easter Carnival on Friday, April 14. Please Note, new this year, Embers students are invited to attend from 3:30-4:30 p.m. We hope your family has a chance to visit our “sister school” to enjoy a festive afternoon!
April Dads Club
April 18, 2023 | 6:15 p.m. | Northridge
Coach Will Rey presents-
Developing a Domino Effect: the Generational Impact of Fatherhood
Join us as we explore the impact of previous generations on our approach to fatherhood. Coach Will Rey shares his lived experiences in developing his identity as a father and offers insight on balancing experiences and expectations. Refreshments, wine, cheese, & beer will be served. Please RSVP to
The Week Ahead:
Tuesday, April 11
Classes Resume
Friday, April 14
Rosewood fundraiser: Bring $1 for a red out of uniform day!
Upcoming Events:
Monday, April 18
Dads Club (6:15 p.m., Northridge)
Friday, April 21
Coffee & Convo, Part 2 (8:45-10:30 a.m., Paluch Hall)
Saturday, April 22
First Communion (10:00 a.m., St. Mary of the Angels)
Wednesday, April 26
Little Sparks (9:00-10:00 a.m.)
Friday, April 28
Coffee & Convo, Part 2 (8:45-10:30 a.m., Paluch Hall)
Natalie Donado: School Office Secretary
Uniforms, school supplies, hot lunch, and general questions about the school day.
Sylvia Casaletto: Office Manager
Medical and allergy forms, birth and baptismal certificates, and student records.
Karen Reardon: Registrar
Information and questions about myEmbers!
Lelia Harig: Business Office Manager
Information and questions about Extended Day Program (EDP).