Let’s celebrate all that’s great about Embers!
Monday, Feb 28: Silly Spark Surprise Monday! Wear your silly socks and bring in a silly joke to share!
Tuesday, March 1: Fat Tuesday! Paczki and Picnic with Pals! Classes will picnic during lunch and students can bring a stuffed animal “pal” to join them!
Wednesday, March 2: Acts of Service and Spirit (Ash Wednesday). Students will wear their Spirit Day shirt with casual bottoms (please see the Parent Handbook for guidelines here). Bring in a canned good or baby item to donate!
Thursday, March 3: Rock Your Sportsmanship! Dress out-of-uniform in your favorite sport’s team shirt.
Friday, March 4: Krazy Hair or Hat Day! Wear a krazy hat or hair style. Out-of-uniform day in Embers colors (blue, red or yellow!). Celebrate Embers at the Extravaganza Student Celebration in the afternoon!